b'PRECINCT PROFILE HEALTH CARE INNOVATIONTo improve community health and wellbeing through the development ofnew technology applications and models of health care and service delivery.400 HECTARES CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATIONTo become a nationally recognised centre in allied health services and clinical medical training; growing academic presence in world-class STEAM education.15,000 HOMES RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGYLinking community driven research in lifestyle-related diseases withhealthy lifestyles, local sporting excellence and facilities.25,000 NEW KNOWLEDGEBUSINESS AND LIFESTYLEJOBS WHEN FULLY DEVELOPED To grow Western Sydneys health technology sector through initiativesthat support the regions emerging innovation ecosystem.EDUCATION FOR UP TO LIVINGTo be a healthy, happy and safe living environment, with a resident community 25,000 STUDENTS socially and physically connected to work, school, play and each other.PRECINCT PROFILE 9'