b'Nepean Hospitals Department of Urology is a leader inThe Districts partnership with Western ensures we are at innovation, patient care and surgical training whose workthe forefront of research, training and education for both has been internationally and nationally recognised. It is onemedical, nursing and midwifery services. of the nations top choices for students wishing to specialise in Urology. Nepean was the first public hospital in NewNepean Hospital holds two conjoint appointments with South Wales to use the da Vinci robot to assist surgeons toWestern Sydney University. Associate Professor Lauretta remove prostatesdramatically reducing recovery time andLuck, Director of the Centre for Nursing and Midwifery the number of days patients spend in hospital. Research and Associate Professor Virginia Stulz, Professor of Nursing. Since 1996 Nepean Hospital, alongside Western Sydney University (Western) helped facilitate practice developmentThe Districts relationship with TAFE NSW has seen student through the Centre for Nursing and Midwifery Research.Enrolled Nurses become a valued part of the nursing and wider health care team. They assist in providing clinical care and emotional support for patients, as well as more complex duties such as administering medications.The Oral Health Service at NBMLHD is recognised across NSW as a leading public oral health provider. Twenty percent of the NSW dental and oral health students clinical placements are delivered from the Nepean Centre for Oral Health. Also on Nepean Campus there is inpatient and emergency mental health care through the Nepean Mental Health Centre, specialist drug and alcohol services and specialist sexual health services.HEALTH CARE INNOVATION 21'