b'MEDITECH RESIDENTIAL AGED CARE FACILITIES (RACF) SHORTFALLWith the Asia-Pacific region set to become the secondCurrently, there is a shortfall in RACFs which is expected to largest meditech market in the world, the new Westernincrease with the projected growth in the aged population Sydney International Airport will provide significant exportexceeding supply in the pipeline.opportunities and market access to businesses based inThe Quarter. RACF Gap Assessment, Penrith LGAINDEPENDENT LIVING UNITS (ILUS) 20162021202620312036 A significant shortage of Independent Living Units is70+ POPULATIONprojected in Penrith. 172 ILUs by 2031 and 559 ILUs by 2036Penrith LGA14,03419,41824,47729,55533,435 (penetration estimated at 5%). BENCHMARK RATE (per 1000 persons)70+ 8080808080 ILU Gap Assessment, Penrith LGA RACSDEMAND (ILUS) 20162021202620312036Penrith LGA1,1231,5531,9582,3642,675 65+ POPULATIONRACSSUPPLY (ILUS) Penrith LGA23,14729,29035,54440,60745,052Penrith LGA1,0761,3021,5641,5641,564 PENETRATION RATES (65+)GAP (SURPLUS/SHORTAGE)3.0%3.5%4.0%4.5%5.0%Penrith LGA- 47- 251- 394- 800- 1,111 ILUSDEMANDSource: Institute of Health and Welfare, ABS Census, MacroPlan 2019Penrith LGA6319321,2931,6612,048 ILUSSUPPLYPenrith LGA1,0061,3671,4891,4891,489SHORT TERM ACCOMMODATIONGAP (SURPLUS/SHORTAGE)With no short term accommodation available within The Penrith LGA+ 375+ 435+ 96- 172- 559Quarter Precinct, the opportunity exists to cater to the needs of business visitors seeking convenience and quality of Source: ABS Census, MacroPlan 2019 accommodation rooms and services, as well as students, their friends and families, outside groups and guests, university and hospital staff, and the family of hospital patients.62 BUSINESS AND LIFESTYLE'